COVID-19 Prevention Measures at G&STC


A message from G&STC: COVID-19 Prevention Measures at G&STC

Dear Community at G&STC, 

We hope this email finds you well. We are sending this message to all members of our community at The Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center as COVID-19 is now so close to home. Your health and wellness is always our first priority.

We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and are keeping an eye on official information, including guidelines published by the CDC. Should emergency directives be issued,  we will take appropriate action as indicated by CDC, DOHMH and government officials. 

We are taking proactive, preventive measures to protect the office environment against exposure to COVID-19. Our office is thoroughly cleaned weekly and all high touch surfaces, such as door handles, the entry keypad, the seats in the waiting area and surfaces in the bathroom are disinfected multiple times throughout the day. Additionally, the building has increased their cleaning to all the common areas throughout the building and have multiple hand sanitizers located in the lobby.

What more can we do as a community to help keep each other safe?

  • Regular health and hygiene practices help to keep us healthy and strengthen our immune systems.

  • Handsoap and a sink are located in the bathroom and for the use of the community.

  • Make sure to follow the CDC recommendations, including: social distancing, wash your hands throughout the day (for at least 20 seconds), sneeze into your elbow, do not touch your face, be mindful when touching high touch surfaces in shared spaces, avoid shaking hands, etc.

  • Take care of your immune system in whatever way this means for you. 

  • One feature of COVID-19 is that it may be mild to some and more severe to others, so when possible, it’s important to rest and stay home, even if you feel only mildly sick.

  • We are strongly encouraging video and/or phone sessions as a way to limit all non essential travel and contact. If a shelter in place order goes into effect we will be 100% remote. However, we are aiming to be 90-100% remote regardless. Please inquire with your therapist about scheduling video or phone sessions (see the Telehealth section below). 

  • If you’ve had close contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home and contact your doctor. Additionally, please email your therapist if you or someone you’ve shared space with tests positive for COVID-19 so we can take necessary precautions for our office and community.


We understand there are multiple factors involved in our individual immune systems, and being able to rest and stay home.

Please speak with your therapist about what this means for you.

Telehealth Services at G&STC 

Continuity of care is important to us at G&STC. For video sessions, we use a program that will allow you to attend your session from a HIPAA-secure online portal. Please be in touch with your therapist directly to coordinate scheduling and use of our HIPAA-secure online portal.


How Do I Get Therapy During a Pandemic?

Coronavirus Is Wreaking Havoc On Our Mental Health

The Dos and Don’ts of ‘Social Distancing’

Media Fear and the Coronavirus outbreak 

Our Brains on Coronavirus

NYS Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Coronavirus Factsheet

We will continue to follow any new developments and adjust to this situation as necessary. Thank you for your participation in our efforts to prioritize our community's health and wellness. We are here for you and with you! 

Please follow us on FacebookInstagram, and our blog, and sign up for our newsletter for more information, updates, articles and lighthearted, often kinky, memes.


The Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center (G&STC)


Sex in the Time of Coronavirus


Building and Rebuilding Relational Trust