Check out G&STC’s Director Jesse Kahn talking with Sophie Saint Thomas at Cosmopolitan about how to tell the difference between love and infatuation


Check out G&STC’s Director Jesse Kahn talking with Sophie Saint Thomas at Cosmopolitan about how to tell the difference between love and infatuation.

How are love and infatuation different?

“‘Love involves deep emotional connection, mutual respect, and understanding, often growing over time through shared experiences, connection building, trust building, and resolving and managing challenges,’ says Jesse Kahn, LCSW-R, CST, director and sex therapist at the Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center in New York. ‘Infatuation, on the other hand, is characterized by intense but often short-lived feelings of attraction or obsession, lacking the depth and longevity of love. While infatuation can be intense and exciting, it may not necessarily involve love or the same level of commitment, loyalty, and emotional intimacy.’”

Can infatuation turn into love?

“Infatuation can absolutely turn into love,” Kahn says. “Infatuation can evolve into love when the initial intense feelings transition into a deeper emotional connection. As the infatuation fades, individuals have the opportunity to develop a lasting bond founded on genuine affection, connection, and commitment, leading to love and the growth of love over time.”

Read the full article here.


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