Check out Director Jesse Kahn talking Good Housekeeping About the Best Sex Toys for Couples to Spice Things Up in the Bedroom.


Check out Director Jesse Kahn talking with Luisa Colón at Good Housekeeping about using toys to spice up your partnered sex life.

Why should couples use sex toys?

Introducing sex toys (or trying out new ones, if you're old pros) is a great way to add extra oomph to your sex life if things have been feeling a little same-old, same-old: “They can create variety, which is great for the longevity of your sexual relationship,” says Jesse Kahn, LCSW, founder of the Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center in New York.

Read the full article here.

More from G&STC Director Jesse Kahn on this topic:

There are a lot of reasons that people in a relationship may want to try sex toys together!

  • Reason #1: Using toys opens up a lot of really great conversations about desire, kink, pleasure and what everyone having sex does and doesn’t like.

  • Reason #2: Using toys can be fun and exciting to try different and new things together. It can create variety which is great for the longevity of your sexual relationship.

  • Reason #3: Using toys can encourage a different level of exploration, playfulness, experimentation and create new experiences. 

What is the best way to shop for a sex toy?

Start by considering what you like, what you don’t like, what turns you on to look at, listen to or think about, what are your fantasies and is there anything you’ve been excited to try. It can be helpful to consider what you like doing on your own and what you fantasize about. Then bring that information to your partner and explore where you have overlap or shared interest or openness. 

How can you broach the topic of using sex toys with your partner?

First, it can be helpful to consider any beliefs you have about sex, talking about sex, and where toys do or do not fit into sex. All of these considerations will help you understand how you feel talking about sex, sexuality and introducing toys into your sex which can impact how you choose to talk about it.


In Memoriam: Former G&STC Therapist Brett Wagner


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