G&STC Director Jesse Kahn talks with Huffington Post about How To Masturbate Without Porn



Here are some highlights that were and were not in the article and some other thoughts on this topic!

While talking about porn and self pleasure is often taboo, it can be a wonderful practice of exploring and discovering your body and pleasure. And while using porn as part of your self pleasure is great, taking a break to work within your own imagination can be fun and exploratory! Just as in our sex lives with others, challenging ourselves to get off in new ways can open up new erotic experiences and feelings of pleasure that we might not have had before. 

Why masturbate without porn? Here’s a few reasons: 

  1. Variety: Anything can start to feel stagnant or unexciting if it’s repeated over and over without any sort of variation. Trying to get off in a new way, such as without porn, can help you get more creative, tap into desires that get overlooked, and learn new types of pleasure. It can also make porn more exciting when you get back to it! 

  2. Mindfulness: Self pleasure can be a great opportunity for mindfulness, since it’s a practice centered on our own sensations. Taking a break from using porn can help you focus solely on your body, instead of being distracted by a visual outside of yourself. 

  3. Creativity: Eroticism is rooted in creativity. If we don’t give ourselves a chance or a challenge to get a little creative, we may not allow ourselves to fully experience the erotic potential we hold within ourselves. 

New to masturbating without porn? Try these tips:

  1. Try new types of erotica: visual porn isn’t the only erotic tool at our disposal. If you want to take a break from your usual porn habits, there are a variety of other types of erotica! Things like written erotica or audio porn can engage new ideas, feelings and experiences that we don’t get from visual porn. Because neither written or audio porn has visuals, they can create different spaces for imagination & creativity, which can energize our inner sense of eroticism. 

  2. Take time to fantasize: What kind of porn do you usually watch? What about it turns you on? What fantasies of yours does it fuel? Taking some time to reflect on our fantasies and desire can help us come up with new ideas to try, new sensations to seek, etc. 

  3. Ask a partner(s): If you have a current partner, talk to them about their own self pleasure  habits. What do they like? How do they mix it up? What are their fantasies? Hearing ideas from someone else can get your mind into brainstorming mode! 

Places to find non-visual erotica: 

  1. Dipsea [audio porn]

  2. Bellesa [written erotica]

  3. Quinn [audio porn]

  4. Literotica [written erotica & audio porn]

  5. LushStories [written erotica]

  6. SoundsOfPleasure [audio porn]


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